
Shuffle Dungeons: The Co-op Board Game of Endless Dungeons

Created by Zero Strategy Games

Brave the depths of an everchanging dungeon in Shuffle Dungeons, the cooperative board game for 1 to 4 heroes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Day Update
about 2 months ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 09:00:30 AM

We're humbled by how involved our community has been in making Shuffle Dungeons a success! As a thank you, we'll reveal a secret that we've hinted to a couple of times.

We've indicated there is a special boss in our "What's Included" section of the campaign.

Also, if you've played the TTS version of Shuffle Dungeons, you'll notice that there are only 12 bosses in the game (9 + the 3 Stretch goal bosses). 

While we aren't going to reveal it's abilities or stats, we wanted to reveal the "Final" boss of Shuffle Dungeons, the Heart of the Dungeon. 

Defeating this boss is the ultimate challenge, and we'll let you experience it when you receive your copies of Shuffle Dungeons. Good Luck!

Dungeon Deck Tower Unlocked
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 05:22:27 PM

We're ecstatic we were able to unlock our final stretch goal, the Dungeon Deck Tower! While we are not completely done designing the tower, we thought we would share the work in progress.

Note - to help us iterate quickly, the tower is 3D printed. The final product will be punchboard included in each of the games.

Iteration 1 - Some of the measurements were off, and we made the tower too short.
Iteration 2 - Fixed the height and added a top to the tower.
Iteration 3 - Redesigned the connections so everything fits together flush. One of the walls didn't print out correctly, so the left side is missing.

It's difficult to see in some of the pictures, but the back of the tower will remain open. This will allow players to reach around the tower and pull the top card of the deck without seeing it prior to choosing to draw.

Our next step is to put together the visual graphics for the tower. We'll be sure to share those updates once available!

Upgraded Dice - $100,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 03:54:36 AM

$100,000 and still one week to go in the campaign! Thank you so much for your support and engagement with our campaign so far.

After going back and forth with the manufacturer and getting some feedback from our playtesters, we've come up with a solution to upgrade the dice. We won't be able to get a picture from the manufacturer until production, but here's a mock-up of what we have put together, though the final product may change slightly.

When designing these dice, we wanted to keep our goals in mind of ensuring there was a clear distinction between hero and monster dice, and designing dice that feel more specific to Shuffle Dungeons, as opposed to the basic dice that were originally included. 

Including 2 New Hero Dice

In addition to changes listed above, we will be adding 2 additional Hero Dice to every copy of Shuffle Dungeons, for a total of 10 dice (6 Hero and 4 Monster Dice)!

We received feedback that the number of dice in the game may not be sufficient, causing players to re-roll dice during their attacks. While not very common, it is possible for players to get up to 6 attack dice, without the use of snacks. For example, a player standing on Thunderbeard Bill, equipped with the Howlberd, and assisted with 3 other players would roll 6 attack dice!

So what's next for Stretch Goals?

To be honest, we're blown away with how well the campaign has done, and we've already unlocked the stretch goals that we originally planned (and then some)! However, we don't want to leave our backers without one last goal to strive for.

We've decided to add one more final stretch goal at $130,000 to add a cardboard punchout tower to Shuffle Dungeons. This tower will serve as a container for the dungeon deck, keeping the cards hidden from the players. No more preparing for that monster on the top of the deck, and no more knowing exactly how many cards are left! While Shuffle Dungeons was not designed with this mechanic in mind, we think it will be an interesting optional rule to add a bit more uncertainty into each turn.

With the inclusion of this final goal, this is the last graphic for the Stretch Goals:

Cheaper shipping to Australia and New Zealand!
2 months ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 05:59:45 AM

We've got exciting news for backers from Australia and New Zealand. We've hit the number of backers required to setup a new fulfillment center in Australia, making shipping cheaper to that region! 

The shipping table below reflects the cheaper shipping rate, and we updated the graphic in our campaign as well.

$85,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!
2 months ago – Sat, Aug 24, 2024 at 05:19:46 AM

It's been surreal to watch how quickly we've been clearing our stretch goals during the past couple weeks. We're excited for the following upgrades that will now be included in every copy of Shuffle Dungeons!

Additional Hero Token Stands

We are adding 4 hero token stands to each game for a total of 8 hero token stands per copy. This will allow for every hero token to have their own stand, and address the concern about the constant changing of stands damaging the heroes.

Upgraded Box Thickness

We're also upgrading the box thickness to 2mm (from 1.5mm). This makes the box sturdier and more durable as you carry it to your board game nights.

This is kind of tricky to showcase, so instead we placed this picture of Jeremy from his debut as a model.

Added Bonus - Linen Texture on Tokens!

We've heard your feedback about this stretch goal, and we wanted to add another bonus by upgrading all of the cardboard tokens (heroes, damage, and player reference cards) to a linen texture! This was originally planned for a future stretch goal, but we decided to combine our quality upgrades into one. Though not the most exciting of our stretch goals to date, the continued upgrading of components will make for a better gaming experience for all backers. 

What Comes Next?

The next stretch goal is for the upgraded standard dice at $100,000! We are still working through options with the manufacturer and will provide an update soon. We appreciate your patience while we go through this process.